Introducing Asterisk Phone Systems – Asterisk Voicemail Greetings
“Sorry we’re not at our desk right now, leave us a message and we’ll get back to you” - Yep that’s right, it’s time to personalise our Asterisk Phone System Voicemail Greetings.
Last time around we setup our dialplans to send an incoming call to our voicemail boxes that we set up a few episodes ago. That means it is now time to take a look at how to setup new greetings for when you are unavailable or busy etc. Moreover, we explain why you should differentiate between busy and unavailable. So lets take a look at how to actually configure our dialplans to playback our new asterisk voicemail greetings.
In order to do this we will show you how to use the Asterisk Variable DIALSTATUS in combination with the Application VoiceMail and its various options within your Dialplans.
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For testing purposes, the question remains how do we simulate a busy call using the WaitExten application. Please not, you will need to ensure that you have turned off Call Waiting within the softphone that your are using. Which in fairness has some real world uses as well.
Final Word
A well-configured business phone system that oozes useful tools, delivers excellent audio quality and intuitive call flows will leave callers with a highly professional impression. The configuration options and application availability and how well they are utilized will have a decisive impact on how professionally you manage your calls and therefore how your customers view your company. The switch to a pascom VoIP phone system solution provides the opportunity to not only upgrade your internal collaboration but also to redefine telephony in your company.
If you would like more information regarding pascom and our Asterisk based Software PBX, please visit our website or give the pascom team a call on +49 991 29691 0 to discuss your requirements and get started within minutes using our free hosted business VoIP phone system edition.