
pascom Produkt Dokumentation und Release Notes

Umgebungsvariablen und Kommandozeilenparameter

Hier erhalten Sie eine Auflistung hilfreicher Parameter, die in Verbindung mit der pascom App verwendet werden können.


Updated on
30. Jan. 2025


Die pascom App unterstützt auf allen Betriebssystemen zahlreiche Kommandozeilen Parameter und reagiert außerdem auf viele Umgebungsvariablen.

Welche Parameter und Umgebungsvariablen von Ihrer Version unterstützt werden können Sie durch den Parameter --help abfragen.


  --userDir <userDir>                    Set user directory. Via Environment:
                                         Set PC_USERDIR to desired value
  -h, --help                             Displays help on commandline options.
  --help-all                             Displays help including Qt specific
  --exec                                 Execute a command instead of starting
                                         a client instance. Example: --exec
                                         dial,*104 (Calls your own Voicemailbox)
  --noUpdate                             Disable automatic update. Via
                                         Environment: Set PC_NO_UPDATE to any
  --forceTouchMode                       Show UI like touchscreen is enabled
  --debugMode                            Debug Mode. Via Environment: Set
                                         PC_DEBUGMODE to any value.
  --pcRendererMode <pcRendererMode>      Change the used rendering backend.
                                         Possible values are: auto, opengl,
                                         openglSoftware, software. On Windows
                                         there are additional modes: D3D11,
                                         D3D11Software. On Windows and Ubuntu
                                         there are additional modes: vulkan,
                                         vulkanSoftware. On MacOS there are
                                         additional modes: metal. Via
                                         Environment: Set PC_RENDERER_MODE to
                                         desired value.
  --rdp                                  Disable all video and/or audio
                                         functionality on this client instance.
                                         Via Environment: Set PC_RDP to any
  --proxyServer <proxyServer>            Use the given server as proxy. Via
                                         Environment: Set PC_PROXYSERVER
  --proxyPort <proxyPort>                Use the given port for connecting to
                                         the proxy. Via Environment: Set
                                         PC_PROXYPORT, default: 3128
  --proxyUser <proxyUser>                Use the given user to authenticate
                                         against the proxy. Via Environment: Set
  --proxyPassword <proxyPassword>        Use the given password to authenticate
                                         against the proxy. Via Environment: Set
  --user <user>                          Override login username for first
                                         login. Via Environment: Set PC_USER to
                                         desired value. This value will be
                                         ignored after the first successful
  --password <password>                  Override login password. Insecure,
                                         please use PC_PASS environment variable
  --server <server>                      Override login server for first login.
                                         Via Environment: Set PC_SERVER to
                                         desired value. This value will be
                                         ignored after the first successful
  --disableHeadsetSupport                Set to true to disable automatic
                                         headset detection and controls. Via
                                         Environment: Set
                                         PC_HEADSET_SUPPORT_DISABLED to any
  --logSennheiserMessages                Log all communication from and to
                                         Sennheiser HeadSetupApplication. Via
                                         Environment: Set
                                         PC_LOG_SENNHEISER_MESSAGES to any
  --logPolyMessages                      Log all communication from and to Poly
                                         / Plantronics Hub Application. Via
                                         Environment: Set PC_LOG_POLY_MESSAGES
                                         to any value.
  --iceServers                           STUN/TURN Servers to use, comma
                                         separated. Via Environment: Set
                                         PC_ICE_SERVERS to desired value.
  --disableVideo                         Completely disable video support. Via
                                         Environment: Set PC_DISABLE_VIDEO to
                                         any value
  --enableWinks                          Enable usage of legacy winks API.
                                         Required for some webcams but may lead
                                         to crashes. Via Environment: Set
                                         PC_ENABLE_WINKS to any value
  --disableQueueState                    Disable queue state UI on this client.
                                         Via Environment: Set
                                         PC_DISABLE_QUEUE_STATE to any value
  --minimized                            Do not open the main window on
                                         startup. Via Environment: Set
                                         PC_MINIMIZED to any value
  --useCustomNotificationsAsDefault      Do not use native notifications by
                                         default. Via Environment: Set
                                         to any value.
  --limitJournalDays <limitJournalDays>  Limit the amount of locally
                                         synchronized journal entries to the
                                         specified number of days. Via
                                         Environment: Set PC_LIMIT_JOURNAL_DAYS
                                         to the desired value.