
pascom Cloud Phone System Documentation and Release Notes

Create and manage a Web Conference

This User Handbook explains how to use the pascom Web Conference Feature.


Updated on
26. Feb. 2025

+ Desktop & Mobile

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In order to use the pascom WebRTC Client, a concurrent user license is required for each external participant. Therefore, make sure that there are sufficient licenses available before starting a web conference.

If you would like to find out more about our flexible concurrent user license model or upgrade your existing licenses, please contact our sales department. Further information can be found on our pricing license description page.


The pascom Web Client has been design to enable quick, easy and professional audio and video conferences accessible to external participants. Thanks to WebRTC technology the pascom Web Client provides your employees and customers with the ability to participate in web conferences and presentations from anywhere. The concept is easy to understand, simply make your existing pascom Team Messaging Groups externally accessible and invite your customers, business partners etc. to join your online meetings.

What’s required?

  • pascom Desktop or Mobile Client
  • pascom Team Messaging Group
  • A Moderator
  • External participants


pascom Groups

Groups in pascom provide an excellent Team Collaboration tool where you can quickly and dynamically create a place for people to communicate and collaborate with one another. pascom groups can be used for a wide variety of purposes, such as projects, presentations and conferences. Imagine pascom groups like virtual conference rooms.

Create a pascom Group

First you will need a pascom group. Create a new group using the following Tutorial. Tip: There are no limitations on how many groups you can create, so you can add as many groups as you like / require on the pascom system.

Make pascom Groups Public

In order to provide external participants access to a group, the group must be made public. Click the info symbol within the group which will take you to the administration settings. Switch the Allow guests button to on in order to make the group “public”. This “public” status will also be displayed respective group’s entry in the contact list.

pulic groups

A dial-in number, PIN and URL for the pascom WebRTC web client access will now be generated and displayed.

Fields Description
Dial-in-Number Participants can access the conference by phone using the pascom Web Client’s dial-in number.
PIN The PIN is required to participate in the conference using the dial-in number.
URL Link to the pascom Web Client to access the group web meeting.
Copy Invitation to Clipboard Copy all details to the clipboard for sharing all access information with the intended participants.

As soon as a group is public, external participants can log in to the group using the dial-in / access data. But don’t panic, only moderators can actually start web conferences.

The Moderator

Internal users of the pascom system are referred as moderators. Every internal user who participates in a public conference is also a moderator. If a moderator dials into a public conference, the conference will automatically start for all externally logged in participants. If the last moderator leaves a public conference, the conference will then be set to hold. As soon as external participants log into a conference and wait for the conference to start, you will see this in the contact list for the relevant group as the group will turn green.

Group in Contact List

Several internal users can also participate in a web conference, all of them acting as moderators. For example, when holding a presentation you can let other moderator users answer questions in the chat at the same time.

Start a Conference

As soon as you are ready to start the web conference, join the group by dialing in by clicking the green phone symbol.

Manage a Conference

As a moderator, you have full control over the conference. In the call area you can see all participants in the conference and can interact with them. You still have all the phone and video tools you need to give great online meetings or presentations.


Remove Participants

You can remove individual participants from a conference using the group info symbol. Simply click on the rubbish bin symbol next to the participant you want to remove and the conference will then end for this participant.

Remove Participant

Ending a Conference

With the pascom desktop client of mobile app, there are a number of options for ending a conference. In the content or call area, press the red phone symbol to leave the conference.

This will not completely end the web conference, but rather places it on hold. External participants will be directed to a waiting screen. So after a short break, you will be able to restart the web conference again.