
pascom Cloud Phone System Documentation and Release Notes

Contacts from LDAP Directory

Synchronise your LDAP Telephone Book Entries


Updated on
17. Oct. 2024


Synchronise your LDAP Telephone Book Entries

“Telephone Book from LDAP” Connector Profile

Create a new connector profile by logging into the pascom Web UI and navigating to > > .

Select the option Telephone book from LDAP and enter the following information:

Field Description
Name Connector profile name
LDAP URI URL to the LDAP directory
Base DN BaseDN specifies the position within the LDAP directory which should be read
Username User with LDAP directory access permissions (LDAP bindDN)
Password Password for LDAP Authentication
Search Filter Filter for more detailed LDAP directory searches

After saving, the template can be modified according to requirements under the tab .

Basic Data

Under the basic data tab, you can configure your LDAP connection more precisely or update the previously configured settings.

Field Description
Title Connector profile name (is automatically filled)
Mode Create and update records. Remove missing records from previous imports.: (default setting) Imports only new phone book entries and compares updated entries, old entries will be removed.
Create and update records: Imports only new phone book entries and compares updated entries. No entries will be removed.
URI LDAP URI (is automatically filled)
Base DN Base DN LDAP entries (is automatically filled)
Username and Password LDAP authentication credentials for the added pascom user (is automatically filled)
Search Filter LDAP search filter for filtering the destination telephone book read folders (is automatically filled)
Comments Serves as a documentation / description for the connector

Pre Filter

Per default, the template will import all users from the LDAP directory. Using the tab you can restrict the import according to certain factors e.g. company-phonebook is populated. Simply replace “return true;” with the following code:

if (strpos($row['memberOf'],'company-phonebook') !== false) {
return true;
return false;

Telephone Book Fields in LDAP

Via the tab, in the Source column it is possible to define from which LDAP telephone book fields the information can be read from. The Variables in the left column define which information sets can be imported into the pascom phone system.

The preset fields are suggestions for the template. It is possible to add, modify and remove fields i.e. completely alter the import structure to match your requirements.

Test and Activate the Import Process

After you have finalised your configuration, you can test the connector profile to determine which datasets will be imported using the button. Once you are satisfied with the results, it is possible to either perform a one off import using the > option or automate the import to be performed at regular intervals by clicking the button.

Optional Modifications

Do you want to make changes to source variables or the Connector structure? Then follow the links below to the appropriate instructions:

[Variable Assignment]( )
[Variables structure]( )