
pascom Cloud Phone System Documentation and Release Notes

Contacts from Microsoft Exchange

Integrate your Microsoft Exchange in to your pascom VoIP phone system


Updated on
13. Nov. 2024


Integrate your Microsoft Exchange in to your pascom VoIP phone system

microsoft exchange


The pascom Microsoft Exchange Connector provides you with the option for synchronizing public, personal and shared Exchange Address Books with your pascom PBX server based telephone books.

Microsoft Exchange is also supported when using a hosted Office 365.

System requirements are Exchange 2013 SP1 or higher, Office 365 or Exchange Online.

Public Address Books

pascom phone systems connect to the Exchange Server via a pascom Exchange User specially created for this purpose. The Connector recursively searches through all public folders for address books, which it then automatically synchronizes with the pascom PBX company phone book.

Should you wish to not sync specific address books, simply revoke the pascom Exchange user’s read permissions for these address books.

Personal Address Books

The connector also searches for personal address books belonging to an Exchange user and synchronizes these with the corresponding pascom phone system user’s personal address book.

This function can be used in 2 ways:

Impersonation type: username@domain.

Impersonation type: Email

  • User assignment is based on the mail address (“Voicemail Email” in basic user data).
  • If this mail address is not set for a user, a fallback to the above type is done.

Standard Field Mapping

The field mapping can be completely modified / adapted as required. As standard, field mapping is preset as follows:

pascom Exchange
Display Name Name
Telephone Business telephone number
Forename First name
Surname Last name
Organisation Company Name
Fax Fax telephone number > business
E-mail E-mail
Mobile Mobile telephone number
Telephone private Private telephone number


Microsoft Exchange

As stated above, the pascom Connector requires its own Exchange User. To do this, simply add a new user with the name (for example) pascom.

Next, ensure that the pascom user has read permissions for all relevant public folders.

In order to allow the connector to retrieve the data, the Exchange user needs the following roles: Discovery Management and Organization Management (both together).

Should you wish to synchronize personal address books, then also assign the pascom user with the role Impersonation. Further instructions on how to do this can be found here.

Create Connector Profile

To create a new connect profile, open the pascom PBX web UI and navigate to > > .

Search for the template and click . The following data will then be requested:

Field Description
Name* Connector profile name
E-mail* E-mail address belonging to the previously added pascom Exchange User e.g.
Password* pascom Exchange User password

The pascom PBX will then try to automatically establish the Exchange User’s domain and URL using the entered e-mail address. This will only function when the DNS server and domain structure (e.g. by Office365) are correctly setup.

Should the process fail, you can add the Domain and URL manually:

Field Description
Domain Active Directory Domain Name
URL The EWS interface URL e.g.

Import Simulation & start data import

By clicking on you start a test import and you will get the first 500 data records.

If you are satisfied with the result you can click to perform the data import completely.

Adapt Field Mapping (Optional)

Within the Connector profile, you can modify the pascom > Exchange field mapping via the and tabs.

For example, should you want to save the contact’s website address within the notes field of the pascom Telephone Book, this can be done as follows:

Go to the tab and via the button, paste the following line:

Variable Source
BusinessHomePage return $row['BusinessHomePage'];

As opposed to other Connector profiles, the variable name and the source field name (here “BusinessHomePage”) must be identical.

Through this modification, the Connector will save the content of the Exchange field “BusinessHomePage” in the identically named Variable “BusinessHomePage”.

This variable muss now be assigned to a pascom field via the tab.

To do this simply add the following line

  "028pho_notes" :        "{{{BusinessHomePage}}}",

to the structure:

    "phonebook": [{
      "028pho_bez" :            "{{{DisplayName}}}",
      "028pho_phone" :          "{{{PhoneNumbers_BusinessPhone}}}",
      "028pho_firstname" :      "{{{GivenName}}}",
      "028pho_lastname" :       "{{{Surname}}}",
      "028pho_organisation" :   "{{{CompanyName}}}",
      "028pho_email" :          "{{{EmailAddresses_EmailAddress1}}}",
      "028pho_mobile" :         "{{{PhoneNumbers_MobilePhone}}}",
      "028pho_homephone" :      "{{{PhoneNumbers_HomePhone}}}",
      "028pho_fax" :            "{{{PhoneNumbers_BusinessFax}}}",
      "028pho_notes" :          "{{{BusinessHomePage}}}",
      "011acc_id":              "{{{local_id}}}"

This will assign the variable BusinessHomePage to the pascom Telephone Book 028pho_notes field.

Available Exchange Fields

  • DisplayName
  • Initials
  • GivenName
  • Surname
  • MiddleName
  • NickName
  • CompleteName
  • Birthday
  • Generation
  • CompanyName
  • JobTitle
  • Department
  • OfficeLocation
  • BusinessHomePage
  • PostalAddressIndex
  • SpouseName
  • WeddingAnniversary
  • FileAs
  • FileAsMapping
  • PhoneNumbers_AssistantPhone
  • PhoneNumbers_BusinessFax
  • PhoneNumbers_BusinessPhone
  • PhoneNumbers_BusinessPhone2
  • PhoneNumbers_CompanyMainPhone
  • PhoneNumbers_HomeFax
  • PhoneNumbers_HomePhone
  • PhoneNumbers_HomePhone2
  • PhoneNumbers_MobilePhone
  • PhoneNumbers_OtherFax
  • PhoneNumbers_OtherTelephone
  • PhoneNumbers_Pager
  • PhoneNumbers_RadioPhone
  • EmailAddresses_EmailAddress1
  • EmailAddresses_EmailAddress2
  • EmailAddresses_EmailAddress3
  • PhysicalAddresses_Home
  • PhysicalAddresses_Business
  • PhysicalAddresses_Other
  • ImAddresses_ImAddress1
  • ImAddresses_ImAddress2
  • ImAddresses_ImAddress3

Available pascom Fields

Name Description
028pho_bez Display Name
028pho_phone Telephone
028pho_firstname Forename
028pho_lastname Surname
028pho_organisation Organisation
028pho_email E-mail
028pho_mobile Mobile
028pho_homephone Telephone private
028pho_fax Fax
028pho_notes Notes

Using Labels (Optional)

pascom Labels can be used to display additional information from the Exchange within the pascom Company Phonebook.

In this example, we will save Exchange contact’s work department using the label Department. This label will then not only be visible in the telephone book, but also in the call history logs as well as various additional caller information masks.

Add Labels

To add a label, navigate to > and click on the button.

Select the option , enter Department as the label name and then click .

Apply all outstanding jobs in order to complete the Label addition process.

Modify a Connector Profile

Go to the tab and via the button, paste the following line:

Variable Source
Department return $row['Department'];

As opposed to other Connector profiles, the variable name and the source field name (here “Department”) must be identical.

Through this modification, the Connector will save the content of the Exchange field “Department” in the identically named Variable “Department”.

This variable muss now be assigned to a pascom field via the tab.

To do this simply add the following line:

  "post": {
              "phonebook.phonebooklabel": [
                      "050lab_bez": "Department",
                      "028050pholab_value": "{{{Department}}}"

to the Structure:

    "phonebook": [{
      "028pho_bez" :          "{{{DisplayName}}}",
      "028pho_phone" :        "{{{PhoneNumbers_BusinessPhone}}}",
      "028pho_firstname" :    "{{{GivenName}}}",
      "028pho_lastname" :     "{{{Surname}}}",
      "028pho_organisation" : "{{{CompanyName}}}",
      "028pho_email" :        "{{{EmailAddresses_EmailAddress1}}}",
      "028pho_mobile" :       "{{{PhoneNumbers_MobilePhone}}}",
      "028pho_homephone" :    "{{{PhoneNumbers_HomePhone}}}",
      "028pho_fax" :          "{{{PhoneNumbers_BusinessFax}}}",
      "028pho_notes" :        "{{{BusinessHomePage}}}",
      "011acc_id":            "{{{local_id}}}",
      "post": {
              "phonebook.phonebooklabel": [
                      "050lab_bez": "Department",
                      "028050pholab_value": "{{{Department}}}"


This will assign all Exchange contacts with an entered department value with the Call Label Department and corresponding value.

Check Results

Label assignments will NOT be displayed when using the “Save and Simulate” tool.

To check whether the label assignment has been successful, go to the pascom PBX Web-UI menu options > . Select and an appropriate user and check whether the assignment was successful under the tab. Alternatively, you can check your results by accessing the Company Phonebook via the pascom Desktop Client.