
pascom Cloud Phone System Documentation and Release Notes

Snom Conferencing System

Integrate your Snom Conference System with your pascom IP PBX solution.


Updated on
07. Dec. 2023


Integrate your Snom Conference System with your pascom IP PBX solution.

Snom C520

Supported Endpoints

Snom C520


A functioning DHCP server is mandatory. Connect the conference system to your network. Make a note of the ** IP address ** that the conference system received from the DHCP server.

Create a new Basic Configuration Template

The next step is to build a new basic configuration for the conference system. To do this, go to the pascom WEB GUI on >

With pascom version 19.03 there is a new basic configuration Empty Generic Profile

Duplicate the basic configuration Empty Generic Profile and give it a name e.g. SNOM C520 conference. Select the new basic configuration and click on > .

Now replace the existing code with the following code snipped:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
{{!-- LDAP settings --}}
{{#if_eq ldap_proxy 'off'}}


		<ldap_directory_name>pascom LDAP</ldap_directory_name>
{{#if vpnconnection}}




{{!-- SIP settings --}}

		<idx id="1">
			<access_code_retrieve_voicemail>{{{setting }}}</access_code_retrieve_voicemail>
{{#if_eq voip_sip 'tls'}}

    {{#if_eq voip_sip 'udp'}}



				<idx id="1">g711u</idx>
				<idx id="2">g711a</idx>
				<idx id="3">g729</idx>
				<idx id="4">g726</idx>
				<idx id="5">g722</idx>
{{!-- Language --}}


Save the basic configuration.

Create/Add the Conference System

Insert under > a new device of type IP-Telefon: Hersteller beliebig oder Softphone. Now select the new basic configuration you created earlier (SNOM C520 conference).

Under the tab you give the conference device an user. Finally save!

Provisioning the Conference System

Check the conference system in the device list and go to > where you can copy the provisioning URL to the clipboard.

With the IP address noted at the beginning, go to the web interface of your SNOM conference system. Under > you will find the Server URL field in which the Provisioning URL must be stored. Click on and restart the conference system by clicking on .

Snom C520