
pascom Cloud Phone System Documentation and Release Notes

Data protection and IT operations in the pascom cloud

Frequently asked questions and answers on data protection and IT operations in the pascom cloud


Updated on
26. Feb. 2025


Frequently asked questions and answers on data protection and IT operations in the pascom cloud

Where is the data stored?

pascom utilises services from AWS (Amazon Web Services) in Frankfurt, Germany.

Which data is stored?

Within a customer specific instance, data including user data, telephony data, chat data, media data and call recordings are stored.

How does the deletion process work?

Die Löschung der gespeicherten Daten erfolgt 30 Tage nach Ablauf eines pascom ONE Abonnements. Dies schließt das Testabonnement (Trial) mit ein.

A removal / deletion of the saved data is occurs 30 days after the termination of a pascom ONE subscription. This also includes the trial subscription.

Is there a template for the data processing contract (Art. 28 GDPR / DS-GVO) and what are pascom’s Technical and Organisational Measures (ToM) (Art. 32 GDPR / DS-GVO)

The data processing contract inclusive of pascom’s Technical and Organisational Measures can be found in the downloadable PDF below:

pascom data processing contract download.

Where can I find information regarding data protection guidelines, contractors and sub-contractors?

All information can be found on the pascom data protection page

Where can I find information about the GDPR at AWS??

On the compliance website of AWS.

Will my data be backed up?

All phone system instances are backed up daily. However, only premium subscription licence customers can request a restoration via the pascom support.

How often are upgates and upgrades deployed?

In principal all maintenance work is announced via This includes updates and upgrades. The frequency is dependant on criticality and the pascom release cycle.

Is the transmission between pascom and the endpoints encrypted?

All devices and clients communicate with the central pascom instance exclusively via an encrypted protocol.

Is the pascom IT Infrastructure certified?

pascom’s IT infrastructure is certified according to ISO 27001.

Download ISO 27001 Certificate.

Are the provided services monitored?

All central components of the are monitored 24 / 7.

How can I view the current status of pascom provided services?

The current live status can be viewed on The option of subscribing to the status page is also available on this page. This will automatically inform you of any downtime and upcoming planned maintenance work.

Is the security of checked regularly?

The security of is regularly checked by external service providers for security and resilience against DDoS attacks. This also applies to all on-site and client products. The scope of the tests includes code reviews and pentration tests.