
pascom Cloud Phone System Documentation and Release Notes

Setting up tomedo® Integration

This guide shows you how to set up the tomedo® integration on the pascom phone system.


Updated on
27. Mar. 2025


Telephony from tomedo® is configured in the pascom app. To do this, go to the and click on .

Setting up New Actions

Three actions are required for the tomedo® integration. A separate action is required for each event type (incoming / connected / hangup).

  1. Action | incoming
  2. Action | connected
  3. Action | hangup

Overview of Actions in the pascom App

  1. Click on to create a new action. Select the action type .

Create New Action

Action for Incoming Calls

  1. Name: - Assign a name for the action, e.g. incoming.
  2. App Path: - Set the path to /usr/bin/curl.
  3. App Parameter: - Set the URL for the parameters http://localhost:9090/incoming/${number}.
  4. Automatically Execute Action: - Enable all Call Types.
  5. Call Direction: - Incoming and outgoing = Both.
  6. Event: - On Ringing.

Action for Active / Answered Call

  1. Name: - Assign a name for the action, e.g. connected.
  2. App Path: - Set the path to /usr/bin/curl.
  3. App Parameter: - Set the URL for the parameters http://localhost:9090/connected/${number}.
  4. Automatically Execute Action: - Enable all Call Types.
  5. Call Direction: - Incoming and outgoing = Both.
  6. Event: - On Answer.

Action for Hangup

  1. Name: - Assign a name for the action = hangup.
  2. App Path: - Set the path = /usr/bin/curl.
  3. App Parameter: - Set the URL for the parameters = http://localhost:9090/hangup/${number}.
  4. Automatically Execute Action: - Enable all Call Types.
  5. Call Direction: - Incoming and outgoing = Both.
  6. Event: - On Hangup.

Setup in tomedo®

The three actions must be set identically in tomedo® and pascom in pairs. All three event switches (internal, external and team) must be activated for all three actions.

To do this, go to the under and select . There you set the Telephone Connection to AppleScript + URL Pattern.

tomedo® Setup

Create your own category for the patient file entry as in our example TEL.

tomedo® Setup

Activate the setting Always make outgoing calls via AppleScript

tomedo® Setup

Now set the URL patterns in the same way as the pascom app actions. These must be identical.

tomedo® Setup

For outgoing telephony, tomedo® still needs an AppleScript that generates a URL call with the schema callto:, to which the pascom app then reacts and establishes an outgoing call.

tomedo® Setup


set tel to "xxx"
set telOhneSpace to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of tel & " | sed -e 's/ //g'"
set theScript to "open tel:" & telOhneSpace
do shell script theScript  

Faxing from tomedo®

To use the tomedo® fax integration, you need a tomedo® version from

The pascom phone system enables fax documents to be sent directly from tomedo®. For this purpose, the fax integration uses the pascom REST interface.

Setting up tomedo® Fax Integration

The fax settings in tomedo® can be found in the settings under and must be switched to pascom here.

tomedo® Fax

Store URL

For faxing, tomedo® needs a URL that controls the pascom API.

tomedo® Fax

  1. The URL is identical to the address to reach your pascom phone system.

tomedo® Fax

Store REST - Username and Password

For the connection to the pascom API you need the REST password and the username.

tomedo® Fax

To find the REST password, first log in to the pascom Admin UI and click on > in the menu. There you will find a button .

tomedo® Fax

Store Email Address

If you want to receive a fax report of your sent faxes by email, store an email address as shown in the following image.

tomedo® Fax

Testing the tomedo® Fax Integration

If you have stored all the necessary data, you can try out the fax integration using the button.

tomedo® Fax