
pascom Cloud Phone System Documentation and Release Notes

Using PipeWire Audio on Ubuntu Linux

With this guide, you will learn how to improve your audio quality with PipeWire on Ubuntu Linux systems.


Updated on
02. Nov. 2023


With this guide, you will learn how to improve your audio quality with PipeWire on Ubuntu Linux systems.


By default, the pascom client on Ubuntu Linux distributions uses the default PulseAudio daemon. Here, it may happen that your audio quality sounds “tinny” or “robotic”. To fix this problem, you can use the PipeWire Audio Daemon, which provides a solid workaround.

The pascom client was tested with PipeWire only on Ubuntu distributions.

Install PipeWire

Run the following commands in your terminal environment to install PipeWire. This will also make PipeWire the default audio daemon for the logged in user.

Add PipeWire repository

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipewire-debian/pipewire-upstream
sudo apt update

Install PipeWire

sudo apt install pipewire pipewire-pulse
sudo apt install pipewire-audio-client-libraries
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-pipewire libspa-0.2-bluetooth libspa-0.2-jack

Set PipeWire as default audio daemon

systemctl --user stop pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket
systemctl --user disable pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket
systemctl --user mask pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket
systemctl --user enable pipewire.socket pipewire-pulse.socket
systemctl --user start pipewire.socket pipewire-pulse.socket

Reebot System

To apply the changes in Ubuntu, you must reboot.

sudo reboot

Use PipeWire

After installing and setting up PipeWire, the audio daemon is automatically used by the pascom client.

  1. At this point, check your audio device settings again, which may have changed due to the change of the audio daemon.