
pascom Cloud Phone System Documentation and Release Notes

QueueMetrics Integration

QueueMetrics is a Call Center Queue (Teams) Analytics software.


Updated on
18. Feb. 2025


QueueMetrics is a Call Center Queue (Teams) Analytics software.


QueueMetrics is a Call and Contact Center Software Queues and Agents reporting tool.


QueueMetrics Interface

QueueMetrics is a Loway product. The QueueMetrics interface transfers data between the pascom server and QueueMetrics via Uniloader. The Uniloader is also capable of receiving HTTPs commands from QueueMetrics and passing these on to the Asterisk AMI.

Since the AMI is integrated directly into the pascom platform, no additional installation is required on the pascom server.

QueueMetrics Configuration

Add API User in QueueMetrics

Log in to the QueueMetrics web UI and select the menu option > > .

Add the API User with the following values:

Parameter Description
Login User login name. We recommend “pascom”
Password Password for user authentication
Confirm Password Reenter the user password
Class From the dropdown menu, select the class “WQLOADER”
User keys Click the Hat icon and select “User’s roles” > “User may launch ROBOT transactions.” and “Misc API access” > “The user can upload logs over HTTP”. In the text field, “ROBOTS” will be automatically entered.

Queuemetrics Ami User

Save the user via .

pascom Configuration

Connect the QueueMetrics Database

Log into the pascom web UI and select the menu point > :

Parameter Description
QueueMetrics enabled By selecting Yes, pascom will start the service which continually saves queue data to the QueueMetrics database
QueueMetrics URL The URL of the QueueMetrics server
API User The API user on the QueueMetrics Server (Login-Name)
API Password The API users password

Save the configuration and apply all generator jobs.

Configure the Asterisk Manager Interface

In order to communicate with the phone system Server, you will need to allow QueueMetrics access via the Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI).

Find the AMI Access Credentials
The AMI access credentials can be found in the pascom web UI under > >

Setup AMI Access in QueueMetrics
Now enter the access credentials within the QueueMetrics web UI under > and activate the phone system’s access:



Replace the USERNAME and PASSWORD with the AMI credentials from the pascom Web UI. The IP Address does not need to be updated as the QueueMetrics Uniloader is located on the pascom phone system host.

The Call Monitor function (listening to live calls) from QueueMetrics is not currently possible with pascom 18.

Set up Queuemetrics Live Call Monitoring

Enter the following parameters in the Queuemetrics web interface under > :


In Quemetrics itself, for live call monitoring you need the SIP peer of the end device that wants to monitor the channel:

SIP Peer setting for live monitoring

Live Monitoring