
pascom Cloud Phone System Documentation and Release Notes

Log on to the pascom client

- Desktop App only

Learn how to log in to the pascom Desktop Client

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Start the pascom Client

To start the pascom client, click on the pascom logo to get to the login screen.

pascom Client starten

The Login Screen

Login Screen

In the login screen you will find several fields that you must fill with your login data. If you have not used the setup wizard to create your login data yourself, your system administrator will provide you with the data.

What is needed?

Field Description
Username Username
Password User password
Server Domain or IP address of the server
Save login details? Select the check box if your wish to enable the client to start automatically with the entered login credentials.

Log onto the pascom Cloud

What should the @-sign behind the username mean?

If the pascom telephone system is located in the, there is not only your telephone system there. So that the client knows to which telephone system you want to connect, you must add @PBX name after your username.

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