
pascom Cloud Phone System Documentation and Release Notes

Server CLI (TUI) Interface

Access the TUI (Text User Interface) interface of the pascom server.


Updated on
28. Sep. 2023


Access to the pascom CLI Interface

The pascom CLI is a text-based (TUI) interface in which you can use various commands for debugging. The basis of this interface forms the Asterisk core system, which is integrated in the pascom telephone system.

To access the CLI interface, click on the small black shell symbol in the upper left corner of the Admin Web Interface.

pascom Shell

You are now in the pascom CLI

pascom CLI

From here you can use Asterisk commands to debug the pascom telephone system, evaluate telephone calls, read out channels and connections and much more.

Asterisk: The Future of Telephony

Astersik Tutorial Series incl. SIP Debugging (only EN)

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Root access to the pascom cloud phone system is not possible