
pascom Cloud Phone System Documentation and Release Notes

Limits and Data Retention in the

Here you can find an overview of limitations of file sizes, retentions and periods of data storage.


Updated on
28. Nov. 2024


Here you can find an overview of limitations of file sizes, retentions and periods of data storage.


A productive cloud telephone system accumulates a lot of data every day, which can quickly grow to an unmanageable size. In order to keep telephone systems in the performant, there are a few thresholds, limits and time periods for the retention period of your data, which we list below.

Description Limitations Period
Cleanup/retention of Chat Archiv 365 Days
Cleanup/retention of received/read markers on chat messages 90 Days
Cleanup/retention of journal data 180 Days
Cleanup/retention of recordings 30 Days
Cleanup/retention of facimilies 30 Days
Cleanup/retention of voicemails 30 Days
Cleanup/retention of Voicemails sent by e-mail 7 Days
Filesize limit for voicemails 25MB
Filesize limit via Filesharing Filesize max. 100MB
Upload filesize limitation of backups Filesize max. 200MB
REST API request limitation 120 Requests per minute
Connections per user max. 5 connections

If the retention period is too long for you, it can be reduced. Smaller periods reduce the amount of data and speed up the telephone system. To do this, submit a request to our support team via the ticket system.