
pascom Cloud Phone System Documentation and Release Notes

Import Users via XLSX

Import users for the initial installation via XLSX file (Excel, Open Office, Libreoffice, etc)


Updated on
02. Nov. 2023


Import users for the initial installation via XLSX file (Excel, Open Office, Libreoffice, etc)

Useful Knowledge

Add Users Using via XLSX File

For the purposes of the initial installation, importing users via a .xlsx file is an excellent option. The file UserImport can be found under > > . Simply download the template, fill it out and upload it. Please take note of the instructions within the file.

Alternatively, you can use the Advanced Import option ( > > ). This option enables you to configure additional settings whilst adding the users:

  • Assign IP telephones
  • Assign pascom softphone
  • Assign action templates
  • Add work locations
  • Create a global telephone book
  • Define speed dials

As with the user import, please note the instructions contained within the file.

Only use the user import option once during the initial setup of your pascom phone system. Additional users must be added manually. Further user imports using the user import options will overwrite the already added users.