Asterisk Tutorial 05 - Asterisk SIP Peers
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Asterisk Tutorial 05 - Asterisk SIP Peers

Asterisk Tutorial 05 - Asterisk SIP Peers

Introducing Asterisk Phone Systems: Asterisk SIP Peers

So now that we are back on track after our little deviation into Asterisk Network Configuration, part 5 of our Introducing Asterisk Series is now online! Today’s topic covers Asterisk SIP Peers and how to register your SIP devices using the Asterisk CLI (Command Line Interface). So matter what device you would like to integrate, as long as it is SIP enabled you can integrate the device into your Asterisk VoIP Server setup. For example SIP desk phones, Door Intercoms & security systems.

In today’s tutorial we demonstrate how you can integrate both a Snom SIP phone & a softphone. The reasoning behind using Softphones is that they are great for testing purposes. Many are free which means you can avoid all the hardware costs. Moreover, some allow you to add as many lines as you what – such as Telephone which is available from the App Store.

Stay tuned for next time when we will take a look at Asterisk Dial Plans and actually start making some calls. If you like this series, why not subscribe to our blog using the subscribe box on the right of this page and stay up to date with not only our Introducing Asterisk Series, but also all the latest from the VoIP Guys and pascom.

Final Word

A well-configured business phone system that oozes useful tools, delivers excellent audio quality and intuitive call flows will leave callers with a highly professional impression. The configuration options and application availability and how well they are utilized will have a decisive impact on how professionally you manage your calls and therefore how your customers view your company. The switch to a pascom VoIP phone system solution provides the opportunity to not only upgrade your internal employee collaboration but also to redefine your business telephony.

If you would like more information regarding pascom and our Asterisk based Software PBX, please visit our website or give the pascom team a call on +49 991 29691 0 to discuss your requirements and get started within minutes using our free hosted business VoIP phone system edition.