Introducing Asterisk Phone Systems – Asterisk Voicemail Basics
It’s time to take a look at and get to grips with configuring our demo Asterisk Voicemail system. Which of course means setting up that dreaded beep, where no one really knows what to say afterwards, and often quickly mumble something indiscernible due to some unfathomable discomfort associated with talking to a machine.
However, one should never underestimate the importance of voicemails to every day communication. The proper configuration is an essential element of any business communications platform – so check out our tutorial below covering the basics of Asterisk Voicemail setup.
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Tips to Remember
Make a copy of the original voicemail.conf file using the command cp voicemail.conf voicemail.conf.orig before you start configuring any voicemail boxes. This will help you during the configuration, as you will be able to remove all the surplus information. This will give you a cleaner and more usable overview of your setup. When saving the new file, remember to give it a memorable name. Doing so will ensure that all the information contained within voicemail.conf can be accessed at a later point in time should you need to do so.
Also remember to include an e-mail address, so that your voicemails can be sent as an attachment to your e-mail. You could store your Voicemails on a local storage, which would mean that you would have to call your voicemail in order to retrieve messages, which as we all know is sometimes easier said that done.
Moreover, when configuring your voicemail accounts, it is worth using the user extension as the voicemail box number. Doing so has practical benefits for both testing purposes and in productive systems. For example, they are obviously memorable information related to users, which will be facilitate and simplify your dialplan voicemail configurations, which we will discuss next time.
Final Word
A well-configured business phone system that oozes useful tools, delivers excellent audio quality and intuitive call flows will leave callers with a highly professional impression. The configuration options and application availability and how well they are utilized will have a decisive impact on how professionally you manage your calls and therefore how your customers view your company. The switch to a pascom VoIP phone system solution provides the opportunity to not only upgrade your internal collaboration but also to redefine telephony in your company.
If you would like more information regarding pascom and our Asterisk based Software PBX, please visit our website or give the pascom team a call on +49 991 29691 0 to discuss your requirements and get started within minutes using our free hosted business VoIP phone system edition.