MobyDick 7.08 - Delivering “Out of the Box Telephony” with integrated Softphone
The MobyDick v7.08 Software PBX release delivers Out of the Box Telephony with a fully integrated Softphone as well as providing a platform for future growth in the SaaS market
MobyDick delivers “Out of the Box Telephony”
No matter where you are in the world, pascom’s MobyDick VoIP IP PBX is now the perfect telecommunications partner to take with you. With the latest release (7.08), MobyDick delivers a fully integrated fully functional Softphone for all every user within an organisation’s Telecommunications infrastructure.
MobyDick Softphone - “Out-of-the-Box” telephony
Whether your are in your HomeOffice or staying hotels abroad on a business trip, the MobyDick Softphone will be right there with you, ensuring you are contactable wherever you may be. All that is needed is WLAN and your headset of choice.
The MobyDick Softphone integration enables you to break away from the confines of your desk through supporting users by supplementing their existing desktop telephony hardware or through reducing future hardware expenditure by offering a real alternative to desktop phones, whilst ensuring greater work place flexibility as well as increased availability and productivity.
Paving the way to SaaS
The MobyDick Softphone forms an integral core feature in achieving our goal of offering a the complete UC VoIP SaaS solution and paves the way for the future development of MobyDick in terms of both product development and offering a powerful communications platform, whilst maintaining pascom’s Made in Germany Quality image.