Setting up the pascom Memtime integration is quick and easy.
Simply follow the steps as described in our documentation and your integration will be up and running in minutes.
Automatically Track Phone Call Times and Duration
Once the setup has been completed, you can configure the integration to automatically track all your calls.Furthermore, it is also possible to create custom rules allowing to automatically assign certain calls to customers for billing by using their callerID.
Of course it is also possible to manually assign call entries to certain customers as the pascom Memtime integration allows you to view your call history and details at any time. What’s more, pascom is not the only integration on the Memtime marketplace, for example, you can connect a number of calendars including Microsof, macOS and Google Calendars.
You can then use this information to align calls with your calendar events in order to assign calls to customers according to your meeting schedule and therefore allowing you to add these calls to your billing records with just a few simple clicks.
Assign Telephony Data to Projects
Memtime also includes it’s own project management tools, meaning you can create custom projects if you wish to do so. Moreover, you can also connect other project management software such as Jira Cloud, Asana and Zoho Projects and assign your call records to specific projects. For example, if you are working on a larger project and you want to keep track of all your calls with project team members and/or regarding the project, Memtime allows you to simply allocate calls and computer activities to projects to track your productivity.
Accurate to the Minute Billing and Reporting
If you or your company works in an industry where “Billables” are the norm, for example, a law firm, tax consultants or even an advertising agency, having accurate, exact data for your billing is essential. Yes there are other methods for creating billing records - for example our DATEV integration or using the pascom Analytics and Call Detail Records (CDR) exports.
However, “normal” users do not have access to the pascom phone system admin UI - and for good reason, i.e. not to break anything. Unfortunately, this also means that a normal user does not have access to the pascom analytics or CDR record tools and therefore must rely on their phone system admin to provide such records for them. With Memtime, everything is at the user’s fingertips and can be achieved with a couple of clicks and reports such as the one below are automatically generated.
Obviously, there are many more applications for a desktop time tracking productivity software, so if you want to learn more about Memtime, please visit their website here:
If you have any questions about PASCOM ONE, our Team Messaging and Collaboration apps and how pascom can help upgrade your business communications, then we are here to help. Visit our website and arrange to speak to one of our experts. Alternatively, get started today with our free cloud phone system trial.