HD Video
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HD Video

HD Video

What does High Definition Video mean?

High Defintion video can be defined as any video that is of higher resolution and quality than standard definition.

In the film and television industries there is technically no standardized minium requirement, but most modern TVs greatly exceed the resolutions that we consider high definition when the term was first used and these days the generally accepted minimum resolution for an HDTV is 1280 x 720 pixels. Most content for computer and TV screens is shot in at least full HD (1920 x 1080) and there of course greater resolutions including 2k, 4k and most recently 8k.

In telecoms and collaboration, HD video is often used to refer to the quality of video that can be transported during a video call and is normally full HD standard. However, this is sometimes a bit misleading as video quality is not just dependant on what the codec can support, it is also dependant on the upload and download speeds of all participants.

While it is true that both Internet speeds and connection stability have improved 10 fold in recent years, it is also true that it could be the case that in a video conference the quality may be crystal clear for one person, but jittery and lagging for other participants who may have lower bandwith and slower download speeds.

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