Internal Extension
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Internal Extension

Internal Extension

What is an Internal Extension?

An internal extension is a device or phone line that is available inside of the telecommunications environment, for example a specific device or number that is used for internal purposes.

At pascom, when we refer Internal Extensions we are usually talking about the internal extension numbers assigned to each internal user or object (call queue / team etc). While some phone system providers operate in a similar way, in the pascom phone system the internal extension numbers are always assigned to the user (or objects) and never to a device. The reason we do this is is that it makes setting up things much simpler from user and device management to extension mapping (mapping internal extension numbers to external extension numbers otherwise known as DIDs). The only exception to this scenario is with fax devices and analog devices systems such as lift intercoms or alarming systems.

What’s more, assigning the extension number to the user as opposed to the endpoint ensures a significantly simpler configuration and use of functions such as our mobile apps, HotDesking tools and connecting HomeOffice location.

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