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Notice and Action Mechanisms according to Art. 16 DSA (Digital Services Act)

pascom offers different products, including Cloud as a Service services.pascom is therefore the host provider and provides you with the opportunity to report illegal content that you become aware of during use. By submitting the notice, you declare that the information contained within the notice is accurate and complete in good faith. Should pascom not have access to the reported content, the notice will be forwarded to the corresponding customer to allow them to examine the notice and delete the content if necessary. Per default, the customer will be informed of their obiligation to respond within a reasonable period of time. As the Individual or entity submitting the notice, your peronsal data (name and e-mail address) will not be passed to the customer. We only provide the relevant customer with your information in the form of Explanation, electronic location (i.e. where the content is stored), and any Attachments. However, any personal data contained therein will not be redacted or shorted. Therefore, please ensure that the explanation, electronic location and any attachments, only contain personal data that we can forward to the customer.

Please send an e-mail to legal[at] with the following information:

  • Full name
  • Electronic Location (group/chat incl. instance name)
  • Explanation
  • Attachments (screenshot etc.)

Should the notice give rise to the suspicion that a criminal offence has been committed, the entire notice (including Name and E-Mall address) will be provided to the law enforcement authorities. The legal basis for the data processing is the ’legal obligation necessary to fulfil’ in accordance to Art 6. para. 1 lit c of the GDPR.

The data is only stored for as long as is necessary to process the notice and defend against any legal claims is required (approx. 3 years). Further information on data processing can be found in our privacy policy.